Oases Tours    
Our location
The facilities
Rooms and rates
Reservations and info
El Sahabi Restaurant
El Sahabi Coffeeshop

The desert and oases tours are the highlight of our travel adventures, and from where we got our reputation in the industry.

We have conducting trips for the past 15 years, even informally before we started the tour company. We promise you that we will show you unique places not found in the itineries of other tour companies. The oases are our family’s home.

Basically, we can arrange trips from two to ten nights which includes all the oases. All our oases trips start from Luxor. There are two special adventures available on request, the first to the great Sahara depression (Gelf-el-Kibir) and the second to the Great Sand Sea.

We can arrange tours for you or simply the transportation. To get to the oases we use the new short route, which will save you both time and money. Please contact us with the details of your desired trip or your travel plans.

We need to know approximately when you are traveling, how many nights you want to spend, and we will email you a full program with all the details.

To book a tour or make arrangements please contact us with the details of your trip. We are also happy to provide more information.

In Luxor, the Aladin office is on Sahabi Street, 2nd floor of the Nefertiti Hotel.
e: tours@nefertitihotel.com  t: 002-010 601 6132  f: 002-095-2372386

Sightseeing in Luxor
Day trips from Luxor
Nile Cruises and sailing
Oases tours
Hotel bookings
Special arrangementsAladin’s Story

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Nefertiti Hotel, El Sahabi Street, from Karnak Temple St, Luxor, Egypt.
t: 002 095 2372386  f: 002 - 095 2372386  e: tours@nefertitihotel.com

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